Justin Zhang

The meaning behind my project names

Head Statues

Why do all the projects have names of people? All of my projects are named after famous public figures and experts in their field.

Meaning behind the names

All of my projects are named after famous public figures and experts in their field. Each figure is tied to a project based on the theme or topic explored.

  • Valentina Tereshkova = Space Exploration Theme
  • Noam Chomsky = Language/Linguistic

There are so many amazing figures in our world who deserve more attention for their groundbreaking achievements.

I was never huge on writing to write about them and I've always had trouble coming up with names for my projects (giving them generic titles such as 'justin-site' or 'justin-app'). So I thought it would be appropriate to name my projects after them. It gave me a reason to learn about them a bit more and to shine another light on their name, even if it's a small one. 🙂

Built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS. Made with ❤️ by Justin Zhang.